Automating LDAPS Configuration on vCenter Server using PowerCLI and Bash
In today’s post, we’ll explore a PowerShell script that automates the LDAPS configuration (LDAP over SSL) on a vCenter Server. This script, named Configure-VcIdentitySourceLdaps.ps1, performs various tasks, including connecting to a vCenter Server, retrieving certificates from a domain controller, and configuring LDAPS with SSO (Single Sign-On).
Let’s dive into the details of the script and understand its key components:
Table of Contents
Logging Function: Write-Log
Function Write-Log {
$date = Get-Date -Format s
$fdate = Get-Date -Format dd-MM-yyyy
$currentFolder = Get-Location
$logFile = "$currentFolder\logs\logfile.txt"
if ((Test-Path -Path "$currentFolder\Logs") -like "False") {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "$currentFolder\Logs" | Out-Null
if ($ErrorType) {
Write-Host "$date - ERROR: $Value" -ForegroundColor Red
Out-File -InputObject "$date - ERROR: $Value" -FilePath $LogFile -Append -Encoding utf8
elseif ($SuccessType) {
Write-Host "$date - ERROR: $Value" -ForegroundColor Green
Out-File -InputObject "$date - ERROR: $Value" -FilePath $LogFile -Append -Encoding utf8
} else {
Write-Host "$date - INFO: $Value" -ForegroundColor White
Out-File -InputObject "$date - INFO: $Value" -FilePath $LogFile -Append -Encoding utf8
The script begins with a custom logging function named Write-Log. This function logs messages with timestamps and differentiates between error, success, and informational messages. It creates a log file in the ‘logs’ directory, ensuring that the logs are organized and easy to review.
LDAPS Configuration Function: Configure-VcIdentitySourceLdaps
Function Configure-VcIdentitySourceLdaps {
param (
try {
$currentFolder = Get-Location
$certFilePathSource = "$currentFolder\ldaps.cer"
$certFilePathDestination = "/tmp/ldaps.cer"
$tempBashFileSource = "$currentFolder\"
$tempBashFileDestination = "/tmp/"
# Connect to vCenter Server
Connect-VIServer -Server $vcenter -User $vcenter_username -Password $vcenter_password -ErrorAction Stop | Out-Null
Write-Log -Value "Successfully connected to $($vcenter)" -SuccessType -ErrorAction Stop
# Query vCenter VM that matches FQDN as hostname
$vCenterVM = Get-VM | Where-Object {$_.ExtensionData.Guest.hostname -eq $vcenter} -ErrorAction Stop
# Retrieve certificate from domain controller
$getRootCert = "openssl s_client -connect $($primary_server_url -replace "ldaps://") -showcerts"
$output = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $getRootCert -vm $vCenterVM -GuestUser "root" -GuestPassword $vcenter_root_password -ErrorAction Stop
# Define the begin and end markers
$beginMarker = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----"
$endMarker = "-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
# Initialize variables to store certificate positions
$beginIndex = 0
$endIndex = 0
$certificates = @()
# Find all occurrences of begin and end markers
while (($beginIndex = $output.ScriptOutput.IndexOf($beginMarker, $endIndex)) -ne -1) {
$beginIndex += $beginMarker.Length
$endIndex = $output.ScriptOutput.IndexOf($endMarker, $beginIndex)
$endIndex += $endMarker.Length + 2
if ($endIndex -ne -1) {
# Include the begin and end markers in the certificate
$certificate = $output.ScriptOutput.Substring($beginIndex - $beginMarker.Length, $endIndex - $beginIndex + $endMarker.Length)
$certificates += $certificate
# Output the extracted certificates
foreach ($cert in $certificates) {
Write-Log -Value "Certificate:" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log -Value $cert -ErrorAction Stop
# Select the last certificate in the chain (if needed)
$lastCertificate = $certificates[-1]
Write-Log -Value "Last Certificate:" -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log -Value $lastCertificate -ErrorAction Stop
# Export ldaps certificate
$lastCertificate | Out-File -FilePath $certFilePathSource -Encoding ascii -ErrorAction Stop
# Copy certificate to vCenter server
Copy-VMGuestFile -VM $vCenterVM -Source $certFilePathSource -Destination $certFilePathDestination -LocalToGuest -GuestUser "root" -GuestPassword $vcenter_root_password -Force -ErrorAction Stop
# Checking if secondary server url is used.
if ($secondary_server_url) {
$FileOutput = "/opt/vmware/bin/ -add_identity_source -type adldap -baseUserDN $base_user_dn -baseGroupDN $base_group_dn -domain $domain -alias $($domain.split('.')[0]) -username $domain_user -password $domain_password -primaryURL $primary_server_url -secondaryURL $secondary_server_url -useSSL true -sslCert $certFilePathDestination"
} else {
$FileOutput = "/opt/vmware/bin/ -add_identity_source -type adldap -baseUserDN $base_user_dn -baseGroupDN $base_group_dn -domain $domain -alias $($domain.split('.')[0]) -username $domain_user -password $domain_password -primaryURL $primary_server_url -useSSL true -sslCert $certFilePathDestination"
# Create bash file to configure SSO on the vCenter server
$FileOutput | Out-File -FilePath "" -ErrorAction Stop -Force -Encoding ascii
# Copy bash file to the vCenter server
Copy-VMGuestFile -VM $vCenterVM -Source $tempBashFileSource -Destination $tempBashFileDestination -LocalToGuest -GuestUser "root" -GuestPassword $vcenter_root_password -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log -Value "Configuring execution permissions on /tmp/ file." -ErrorAction Stop
$setPermission = "chmod +x $tempBashFileDestination"
$output = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $setPermission -vm $vCenterVM -GuestUser "root" -GuestPassword $vcenter_root_password -ErrorAction Stop
# Configure SSO on the vCenter Server
$configureSso = "/tmp/"
$output = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $configureSso -vm $vCenterVM -GuestUser "root" -GuestPassword $vcenter_root_password -ErrorAction Stop
if($output.ScriptOutput -like "*ERROR*"){
Write-Log -Value $output.ScriptOutput -ErrorType -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Log -Value "SSO has been configured successfully on vCenter $vcenter_fqdn" -SuccessType -ErrorAction Stop
# Removing temporary bash file and ldaps.cer from source.
Write-Log -Value "Performing cleanup of temp files on source and destination"
$tempBashFileSource | Remove-Item -Force -Confirm:$false
$certFilePathSource | Remove-Item -Force -Confirm:$false
$removeTempFiles = "rm $certFilePathDestination $tempBashFileDestination"
$output = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $removeTempFiles -vm $vCenterVM -GuestUser "root" -GuestPassword $vcenter_root_password -ErrorAction Stop
# Disconnecting from vCenter Server.
Disconnect-VIServer -Server * -Confirm:$false -Force -ErrorAction Stop
} catch {
Write-Log -Value $_ -ErrorType -ErrorAction Stop
This function is the heart of the script, responsible for setting up LDAPS on the vCenter Server. Let’s break down its steps:
- Connection to vCenter Server:
- Uses Connect-VIServer cmdlet to establish a connection to the vCenter Server.
- Logs a success message upon successful connection.
- Querying vCenter VM:
- Retrieves the VM object representing the vCenter Server using Get-VM and filtering based on the FQDN.
- Retrieving Certificates:
- Invokes a script on the vCenter VM using Invoke-VMScript to obtain certificates from the primary domain controller.
- Parses the output to extract individual certificates.
- Exporting Certificates:
- Saves the last certificate in the chain to a local file (ldaps.cer) for later use.
- Copying Certificates to vCenter:
- Uses Copy-VMGuestFile to transfer the certificate file to the vCenter Server.
- Creating Bash Script:
- Generates a Bash script ( containing SSO configuration commands based on the provided parameters.
- Copying Bash Script to vCenter:
- Transfers the Bash script to the vCenter Server using Copy-VMGuestFile.
- Setting Execution Permissions:
- Grants execution permissions to the Bash script on the vCenter Server.
- Configuring SSO:
- Executes the Bash script on the vCenter Server to configure LDAPS and SSO.
- Logs success or failure messages based on the script output.
- Cleanup:
- Removes temporary files ( and ldaps.cer) from the source and destination.
- Disconnecting from vCenter Server:
- Uses Disconnect-VIServer to close the connection to the vCenter Server.
Executing the Script:
The script is executed with specific parameters, such as vCenter Server details, domain information, and LDAPS URLs for primary and secondary servers.
Configure-VcIdentitySourceLdaps -vcenter "vc01.lab.lan" -vcenter_username "administrator@vsphere.local" -vcenter_password "VMware1!" -base_user_dn "dc=lab,dc=lan" -base_group_dn "dc=lab,dc=lan" -vcenter_root_password "VMware1!" -domain "lab.lan" -domain_user "administrator@lab.lan" -domain_password "VMware1!" -primary_server_url "ldaps://ldc01.lab.lan:636" -secondary_server_url "ldaps://ldc02.lab.lan:636"
Download the Script :
To access and download the Configure-VcIdentitySourceLdaps.ps1 script, visit my GitHub repository at vkernel/vmware-scripts.
will this refresh and existing connection as well if the certificate needs renewed?
Hi Jason,
Sorry for my late reply, but i’m not sure if it will refresh an existing connection.
You should test this first in a lab.