Automating LDAPS Configuration on vCenter Server using PowerCLI and Bash 4

Automating LDAPS Configuration on vCenter Server using PowerCLI and Bash

In today’s post, we’ll explore a PowerShell script that automates the LDAPS configuration (LDAP over SSL) on a vCenter Server. This script, named Configure-VcIdentitySourceLdaps.ps1, performs various tasks, including connecting to a vCenter Server, retrieving certificates from a domain controller, and configuring LDAPS with SSO (Single Sign-On). Let’s dive into the details of the script and…

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Configure IPSec VPN tunnels with terraform in Cloud Director 10.x 12

Configure IPSec VPN tunnels with terraform in Cloud Director 10.x

In my previous blog post, I showed you how to configure IPSec VPN tunnels from within the Cloud Director GUI. But what if you want to automate this repetitive task? In this blog post I will explain how you can achieve this with Terraform. Configuring and maintaining the IPSec VPN tunnels will become more easy…

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Upgrade vRA 8.6.2 to 8.10.2 without vRSLCM 14

Upgrade vRA 8.6.2 to 8.10.2 without vRSLCM

One of the vRSLCM (vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager) was recently upgraded without checking the interoperability of the products that were managed by vRSLCM. This broke the connectivity/managebility between vRA on version 8.6.2 (vRealize Automation) and the vRSLCM on version In this blog post i’m going to show you how to upgrade the vRA appliance…

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