Tag Archives: Logs

Unable to perform a VM task like vMotion or Snapshot in vCenter 6x - Step-By-Step 1

Unable to perform a VM task like vMotion or Snapshot in vCenter 6x – Step-By-Step

This week I had an VM that couldn’t perform an vMotion or a snapshot task. Performing one of these tasks results in an error message as shown in the picture below: Troubleshooting One of the first steps I did was checking the VM log of that particular VM for any errors. This is very simple…

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Reducing the CPU Quota in vCloud Director 9.7 results in a error 2

Reducing the CPU Quota in vCloud Director 9.7 results in a error

The error message We were getting an error message when trying to reduce the CPU quota of an OrgVDC to 92 Ghz in vCD 9.7: “Unable to update the Organization VDC configuration because the new value for CPU resource is less than current usage by all Virtual Machines within this Organization VDC”. The error message…

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