Tag Archives: SQL

Unable to change VM config in vCloud Director 9.7 error: “class: java.lang.NullPointerException”
The following error message was shown in the vCloud director GUI after trying to modify the VM: “class: java.lang.NullPointerException”. The issue occurred on every VM configuration update such as: edit description, changing resources etc. Troubleshooting on vCD layer I tried to find some additional logs by logging into the vCD cells and searching for the…

Partially powered off state error caused by duplicate VM in vCloud Director 9.7
This week we experienced an issue with two virtual machines not showing the correct values in the vCloud Director view. Both virtual machines had 2 vCPU when we checked the virtual machine properties in vCD, but the values were totally off when we compared the values with the VM properties from the vCenter GUI. The…

Detaching a resource pool from PvDC failed in vCloud Director 9.7
Detaching a resource pool failed in vCloud Director with the following error message: [ID] ValidationException Delete_Hub_Containing_VMS . This week i needed to troubleshoot a task that failed in vCloud Director that occurred during the detaching of an resource pool in a provider vDC. The following error was reported in the vCloud Director GUI as shown…
The requested operation could not be executed on VM – error in vCloud Director 9.7 – Step-By-Step
“The requested operation could not be executed on VM “VM Name”. Stop the VM and try again.” was the error message that i received when I tried to remove a specific vApp or a single VM in that particular vApp. I even waited a few minutes when we received this message, but it never got…