Tag Archives: VMware
Remove cloud-config from existing vRA 8 deployments
In vRA you have the possibility to enable cloud-config in your blueprints to automate certain tasks at creation time. This could be tasks like installing packages, changing root credentials, setting a hostname and much more. vRA and cloud-config When you enable cloud-config in a blueprint and perform a deployment, an ISO file will be created…
vIDM 3.3.6 Directory Sync Failed
The VMware Identity Manager (vIDM) was running fine for a while until we received a mail notification from the vIDM appliance stating that the directory sync is failing with the following error message: “The specified Bind DN and password could not be used to successfully authenticate against the directory”. Investigating the issue I wanted to…
Configure IPSec VPN tunnels with terraform in Cloud Director 10.x
In my previous blog post, I showed you how to configure IPSec VPN tunnels from within the Cloud Director GUI. But what if you want to automate this repetitive task? In this blog post I will explain how you can achieve this with Terraform. Configuring and maintaining the IPSec VPN tunnels will become more easy…
Upgrade vRA 8.6.2 to 8.10.2 without vRSLCM
One of the vRSLCM (vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager) was recently upgraded without checking the interoperability of the products that were managed by vRSLCM. This broke the connectivity/managebility between vRA on version 8.6.2 (vRealize Automation) and the vRSLCM on version In this blog post i’m going to show you how to upgrade the vRA appliance…
Unable to access the configurator page in vIDM 3.3.5
During the preperation of the upgrade for vRA, we stumbled on a vIDM (VMware Identity Manager) problem. The vIDM appliance couldn’t finished an inventory sync in vRSLCM (vRealise Suite Lifecycle Manager). The inventory sync failed with the following error message: So the first thing that came in my mind, can I login to the configurator…
Unable to bring cluster online in vROPS 8.6.3
This week, I was troubleshooting an issue with one of the vROPS (vRealize Operations Manager) clusters at a customer. I was unable to perform the “bring the cluster online” task from the admin page of vROPS after a restart. The issue As shown in the picture below, I was unable to bring the cluster online….
How to migrate NSX-V to NSX-T with the Migration Coordinator [Fixed topology]
Ever needed to migrate NSX-V to NSX-T? During this post, i’m going to break down the steps for migrating a NSX-V Data Center Environment to NSX-T. This migration is based on one of the available fixed topologies in the NSX Migration Coördinator. Update 28-5-2023: I have published a new blog post that covers the User…
Unable to delete a segment in NSX-T 3.x because of an orphaned logical port
In my home lab, I was unable to delete a NSX-T segment because of a logical switch port that was occupied by an orphaned VM. In this blog post, I will show you how to detach/delete the logical port with a simple API call. Summary A while ago, I was testing the HCX product from…
Build your own VCF 4.0.1 test lab with VLC.
VCF Lab Constructor also known as VLC, is a tool that can automate the deployment of a nested VCF lab. VLC will deploy a VCF environment with minimal resources. A single physical server with 12 cores, 128GB RAM and 800GB SSD is needed to deploy a VCF lab. Using SAS disks instead of SSD disks…
Unable to change VM config in vCloud Director 9.7 error: “class: java.lang.NullPointerException”
The following error message was shown in the vCloud director GUI after trying to modify the VM: “class: java.lang.NullPointerException”. The issue occurred on every VM configuration update such as: edit description, changing resources etc. Troubleshooting on vCD layer I tried to find some additional logs by logging into the vCD cells and searching for the…